To add more weight to all this: in London, I was a card-carrying Union rep, and would NEVER have thought of criticising another teacher´s professionalism - here, I do it through Teacher-Training courses...
Here are my Dumbledore-type pronouncements – do tell me if I start to rant unreasonably:
- pay teachers according to the responsibilities they take on, not the number of years served (note British state education, circa 1985): for example, someone with a whip, who goes round, telling staff to put children´s work on the walls, ignoring cries of "What for?? How??);
- ban photocopiers in Primary schools (unless it´s the Xmas party and you´re going to photocopy your bum…);
- ban textbooks (which parents have to pay for, and children develop humpbacks carrying around);
- take all the books out of their dusty display cabinets in school libraries, and put them in racks, for the children to get at. Then, LET THE CHILDREN IN THE LIBRARY!!
- don´t tell kids to study at home, without showing them how;
- don´t teach kids capital letters, when everything in the world is written in lower case;
- explain to teachers that they are not merely babysitters
- send teachers and Heads on anti-racism and pro-gypsy courses (no, that doesn´t involve flamenco lessons…);
- completely revise the Teacher Training courses – more about teaching kids and less about legislation – and a teaching practice where students have to do more than pick their noses for 5 weeks (oooh! how controversial!)
- let Governors (parents, teachers and Heads recruit teachers (especially good ones!) rather than civil servants in far-away offices;
- don´t choose Head teachers by lottery;
- give Heads budgetary control (and then teach them to count further than 10);
- take Education out of the "civil servant" system: teachers will NOT then have a job for life, will have to apply for jobs ; possibly ending up unemployed, but much happier;
- make it easier (ie. carry out EU regulations) for foreigners to teach in Spain, bringing new (well, more modern than 1605) ideas into schools;
- tell teachers not to despise immigrant families who speak more languages, and have more brain cells than they do.
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