Have you heard of these? I noticed them 4 years ago in East Berlin, and when I went back at Christmas, they were everywhere (and quite scary)! Now I´ve seen a few (tame ones) in Madrid.
I think it´s to do with reclaiming the streets, the city for the ordinary people; it´s all reproduced artwork: computer printouts, photocopies, stencils and some of it´s very very ANGRY!!!!...I LOVE IT!!!
Here are my favourites from Berlin:

Did anyone check it was OK to take his photo?
This is part of a series - who is Linda?

Adult cartoons? Weird!

Very lonely - I think this is my favourite...

Or this?

You can put them anywhere, and they come in pairs too!
Creepy, huh?
This is the biggest I´ve ever seen.
And this, the most crowded! The entire thing was at least 3m long and 1m high.
Which is your favourite, and why?
See link for more...
betty, this is a great blog. i keep checking back to read some more steam being let off or to see some more cool images: i guess there's nothing been bugging you recently.
10:21 pm, December 15, 2005
I love these pics too, you can find them in Madrid too, protest/guerrilla sprayed pics... even in the paseo de Extremadura... I like one with Amélie's face but over all I like the political ones... check this link about theory of this practice (?) Irene
4:43 pm, January 31, 2007
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